Calculators are important for informing visitors on their journey towards converting to a lead or customer. Reducing the number of screens and clicks between a landing or product page and a calculator makes a difference.
To help with putting “calculators everywhere” Widget Works has released dynamic display options to the repayment and borrowing power calculators.
Teaser mode
State Custodians are making use of the repayment calculator’s teaser mode, allowing the full calculator to be embedded on product pages in a small area. A user can enter some initial data and then trigger the whole calculator to reveal itself – very quickly and with animation.
Take a look:
This works on mobile through to desktop and keeps the user on the same page, engaged in answering their question without putting a page navigation and reload in the way.
Simple or Full Controls
To support different page layouts and messaging, we’ve built in options to reduce control sizes and show/hide additional controls on demand. Using sensible defaults, users can get an idea of loan pricing or capability and then interrogate further as they need.
As ever, all wording and can be changed to match your needs and messaging. Here it is:
Lots of control
These new display options can be set globally in configuration or via the API so the calculator on a campaign landing page might be shown as a teaser, while the same tool on a general calculators page is expanded by default. You can mix and match display options all while managing one calculator and set of products. Easy!
Drop us a line if you’d like to see how these options can work for you.