Banks are beginning to understand that to have a meaningful engagement with customers you need to have a conversation on the customers terms. Nab has recently released a first home buyer campaign. It’s a nice tool. It takes customers on a journey through the process. I like the fact that there are digital tools which assist with the conversation. These allow site users to understand the process using their own personal situation as an example. Nothing like personal relevance to drive the points home!
The home loan simulator is good, excellent use of tools and calculators. The calculators used however are primarily built in flash. This limits their usage to non iOS devices (mobile). Mobile is an essential channel to have in the digital conversation. It is estimated that soon over 50% of all digital conversations will be had on a mobile device. Given the penetration of smart phones into the target market for first home buyers, the use of iOS friendly tools and calculators are paramount.
Increasingly taking the customer on their journey is going to be essential in terms of engagement and ultimately sales. Given competition in the financial space overall having the right tools and the right conversation is critical to the success of a campaign such as nab’s first home buyer campaign. Calculators and tools such as the ones used by nab are going to be increasingly important to enable to the customer engagement to take place and importantly to provide the springboard to the right call to action when the time is right.
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